Getting Started: Create Your DNA Profile
The first step in using RootsFinder's DNA Tools is to create your DNA profile and specify which DNA source you will be using. RootsFinder doesn't process raw DNA data. We use spreadsheets created from your DNA data. You will need to import your raw data to GEDmatch, or use DNAgedcom or PedigreeThief which read the reports created by your DNA source to create your spreadsheets. After you have created a Profile, you copy and paste those spreadsheets into RootsFinder.
How to set up Your DNA profile
- Click on DNA in the left side menu.
- See the "+" in the red circle at the top right. The plus sign is your friend. It let's you add as many kits as you like. Click on the "+." This will bring up the Create DNA Profile window for you to fill in.
- This will open a list of DNA data sources. RootsFinder does not process your raw data. Your raw data must by processed by GEDmatch, Ancestry, MyHeritage, FamilyTreeDNA, and 23andMe into exportable spreadsheets. If you get a $10 membership at GEDmatch, you can import raw data from most most providers to GEDmatch and they will create the spreadsheets you need for RootsFinder's DNA tools.
- Choose your DNA data source.

1. Start by clicking on the down arrow in the upper right.

2. You must enter an ID number or name for your kit. Do not leave this field blank. You may use the Kit ID number used by your source or any profile name you like.
3. Next, enter a description (not required).

4. Enter the name of the person who owns this kit. Start typing the name of the person. A list of matching persons from your tree will appear. This person must be IN your tree.
5. Click on the person this kits belongs to. (If this person is not already in your tree, you will need to open RootsFinder in another tab and add him or her to your tree before continuing.)
6. Click on "SAVE."