Send Feedback to RootsFinder

In order to make RootsFinder the best it can be, we really appreciate feedback! To send us your thoughts, you can send us a message here, or you can head over to  the RootsFinder Forum. In the forum, you'll find discussion topics for help, bugs, and feedback. Some areas we are particularly interested to know include:

  • What do you wish RootsFinder (or any genealogy program) could do? What features would you like to see developed?
  • How could we make RootsFinder more intuitive for you or easier to use?
  • Have you noticed any bugs?
  • How do you think we could reach more people?
  • How can we help you share with family and/or get more people involved in family history?

Thanks so much for being part of our RootsFinder family. We look forward to hearing your thoughts!

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