Research: Frequently Asked Questions
1. I used all the hints. Where else can I go for researching guidance?
Click on the research icon under the ancestor profile. You may choose from search hints, GenSmarts (available for Pro Plan only), Research Guides, Links, Get Help, and the Evidence Report.
2. What is a Search Hint?
Search Hints are automatic searches of specific collections of the major record providers. Click on the link to search that particular collection.
3. What does GenSmarts do?
GenSmarts analyzes your tree. It acts as a research guide for any chosen ancestor by suggesting searches of appropriate websites, research of particular written materials, research at particular repositories.
4. What are Research Guides?
Various organizations provide research guidance based on location and time. Our Research Guides option gives you click through access to research guides for the locations on your ancestor’s person page.
5. How do I use "Get Help?"
Our Get Help option gives you click through access to genealogists for hire, the Genealogy and Family History Stack Exchange where other genealogists answer your questions and research groups researching locations in your ancestor’s person page.
6.What is the Evidence Report?
The Evidence Report automatically creates a spreadsheet which plots your evidence against the facts for a chosen ancestor. That way you can see which facts you have evidence for and where you need to do more research.