My Account: Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I know how much free data I have remaining?
Click on your username in the top right corner and choose account. Scroll down, your usage is in the top left of the box marked "Plan."
2. How do I purchase a Pro Plan?
Click on your username in the upper right of any page. Select account. You may change your plan in the Plan box (second box).
3. How do I change my plan?
Click on your username in the upper right of any page. Select account. You may change your plan in the Plan box (second box). Please note: we cannot refund your Pro Plan. If you change your Pro Plan to a Free Forever plan, you will have Pro Plan privileges until the end of your Pro Plan subscription.
4. What happens to my trees if I don't renew my Pro Plan?
Public trees under 1 GB remain the same, however you will see ads and DNA tools, GenSmarts will be locked. If you have a private tree or a tree over 1 GB and don't renew your Pro Plan, the tree will become locked and read only by you for 1 year.
You may change a private tree under 1 GB into a public Free Forever tree by going to "tree settings," and choosing the "Free Forever" plan. You may continue to edit and add information to your tree as before but the dead people in your tree will be visible to the public.
5. How do I delete my account?
Click on your username and select "account." Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "delete my account." All of your data will be deleted.
6. How do I change my username?
Click on your username in the upper right of any page. Select account. You may change your username in the Profile Settings box.
7. How do I change my email address and other profile information?
Click on your username in the upper right of any page. Select account. You may change your username, profile picture, email address and password in the Profile Settings box.