FamilySearch Integration Frequently Asked Questions

1.  Why can't I sync my whole tree with FamilySearch automatically?

FamilySearch requires that each individual be individually synced.

2. I'm already logged into FamilySearch. Why do I have to login again?

FamilySearch requires that you login from RootsFinder when asked, even if you're logged in on a different tab. It's their rule.

3. I can't download from FamilySearch. What do I do if the "Import" button doesn't work.

This is usually because you have not logged into FamilySearch for this function. FamilySearch requires that you login before you can import people from FamilySearch, even if you are already logged. If the "import" button is not blue, please re-enter the name for your tree, choose whether it is public or private and select "Import people from FamilySearch." A FamilySearch login window will open. Log in. Your FamilySearch ID number should be displayed under the "Import from FamilySearch" title and the "Import" button should be blue. You may choose how many ancestors and descendants you wish to download before clicking on the "Import" button.

4.  Why do I have so many duplicates after FamilySearch Download?

There are two reasons you have duplicates either the people in your tree were not matched with family search before the import or FamilySearch has duplicate persons and families attached to your tree. For more information, please see

5.  I entered a FamilySearch ID but it won't import from FamilySearch. What do I do?

FamilySearch requires your login before each download. It’s just their policy. Entering your FSID manually doesn't authorize the import. You must log in when they ask you. After you log in, the "GO" button will turn blue. Press the blue "GO" button and your import will begin.

6.  What is PID?

PID is a familysearch term. It means the familysearch person ID of the person you want to import. It's a 7-character ID, like CYZW-9A5.

7.  How do I add more people from FamilySearch?

Match all the family members in the import range (the generations to be imported) to their FamilySearch counterparts. Persons already in your tree who are not matched will be duplicated with their FamilySearch counterparts. Click on the FamilySearch icon under the profile. Select "Download more generations." For more information, see

8.  Why is "download more people" limited to a few generations at a time?

You tree is likely connected to thousands of people you are unaware of. Downloading all the connected people at once would make your tree unwieldy. Further, every person in the import range (within the generations being imported) must be matched to FamilySearch prior to importing more people or they will be duplicated with their FamilySearch counterpart. Matching every person is time consuming for you and probably not feasible. By limiting each download, you can import the people you want. 

9.  What is FamilySearch Genealogies?

It is a read only archive. It provides hints to other genealogists.

10.  Why do I have to archive my tree with FamilySearch Genealogies?

You don't. You only need to archive your tree with FamilySearch Genealogies if you want to get free hints from FamilySearch. It's FamilySearch's requirement for the use of their search engine and data.

11.  How do I get my tree out of FamilySearch Genealogies?

If you want to remove your tree from FamilySearch Genealogies, you must opt out of FamilySearch hints by going to your Hint Settings and removing FamilySearch from your hints. You will be asked to log in so they can delete your tree from Genealogies. 

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