How to Manage My Tree
Table of Contents
- How to Add a New Tree
- How to Switch Trees
- How to Rename a Tree
- How to Change a Tree from Public to Private
- How to Change the Tree Home Page
How to Add a New Tree
To add a new tree, access your account options by clicking your username in the upper right corner of the top toolbar. Then:
- Click "Trees" or Click on the name of your existing tree in the left side menu
- Click "New Tree" from the "Open or Create a Tree" card
- Give the new tree a name and select the Root Person for this tree
- Set privacy options for the tree by choosing either Public or Private. (Regardless of which tree type you choose, information about living people will not be visible to others unless you share your tree with them.)
- If you have a GEDCOM file you want to import, click the "Choose File," to upload your GEDCOM into the tree
- Click "Create"
How to Switch Trees
You can have multiple trees at RootsFinder. This is helpful when you want to split maternal and paternal lines, or keep a "rough draft" speculative tree separate from your "approved" tree, or when you want to keep a separate copy of your FamilySearch tree, for example. Whatever, the reason, you can easily switch between your various trees by clicking the tree name at the top of the left-hand menu. Then select the tree you want to switch to, or start a new tree.
How to Rename a Tree
If you want to change the name of your tree, you can do so on the Tree Settings page. To do this:
- Click "Tree Settings" at the bottom of the left-hand menu
- The second section will be "Global Tree Settings." The first option in the Global Tree Settings section is "Tree Name." Type the new name you want for your tree.
- IMPORTANT: After you've renamed your tree, scroll down past the privacy and leads (hints) options and click "Save"
Section How to Change a Tree from Public to Private
To change a tree's access settings from public to private, go to the tree settings page by selecting "Settings" from the tree menu at left. Scroll down to the "Tree Settings" section, then click the circle next to "Private." Then click "Save."
How to Change the Tree Home Page
You can choose whether you want to see the News Feed or the Tree view by default when you come to your tree. To do this:
- Click "Settings" at the bottom of the left-hand menu. This will take you to the tree settings page.
- On the tree settings page, the first section will be "Personal Tree Settings." The first option in that section is "Homepage." This is where you can select either the News Feed or the Tree (pedigree view) as the default view for your tree.
- Click "Save"